Meet the Manns!
Hello, my name is Tyler! I love the Lord, my wife Aleah, and running. In fact, the idea for a blog came about on a run, so I told Aleah and thanked the Lord. I appreciate you reading our blog and following along with our missionary journey! We are really excited to go, and I hope you would consider supporting us!
Hi! I am Aleah Mann, and I am really thankful for my relationship with Christ, my amazing husband, and our baby on the way! I think nature is awesome and outdoor adventures are the best. Children make me happy, cooking gives me calm, and rivers bring me joy. Also, I will never turn down a good game of volleyball or a conversation about my Savior. Have fun reading about our missionary journey!
In the Mann family, we are devoted followers of Christ who seek to live for His glory, by His grace. We’re currently support raising for missions through the organizations Converge and Alliance for Transatlantic Theological Training (AT3). We are excited to share the gospel with unreached people, and we are so excited for you to join us!